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Goiter: An umbrella term used to describe swelling of the thyroid. Goiters are not necessarily harmful or may be indicative of iodine deficiencies or a condition that is associated with thyroid inflammation known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Thyroiditis Thyroid inflammation, which is usually caused by an infection that is viral or an autoimmune condition. Thyroiditis may be painful or not show any symptoms whatsoever.

Hyperthyroidism The production of thyroid hormone is excessive. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is due to Graves illness or an active thyroid nodule.

Hypothyroidism The thyroid hormone is not produced as it should. Thyroid damage due to an autoimmune disorder is the leading reason for hypothyroidism.

Graves’ disease A condition that is autoimmune where the thyroid gland is overstimulated, which causes hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid cancer A rare form of cancer thyroid cancer, it is typically treatable. Radiation, surgery, and hormone therapies can be utilized to fight thyroid cancer.

Nodules in the thyroid: An insignificant lump or mass that is located inside the thyroid gland. Nodules of the thyroid are very frequent. Some are cancerous. They can secrete excessive hormones, which can cause hyperthyroidism or cause no issues.

Thyroid disorder: A rare form of hyperthyroidism where extremely high levels of thyroid hormone can cause serious disease.

Anti-TPO antibody: In the case of thyroid diseases that are autoimmune proteins attack incorrectly the thyroid peroxidase enzyme that is utilized by the thyroid to create thyroid hormones.

Thyroid ultrasound A probe is put on the skin of the neck. The reflected sound waves can detect an abnormality in thyroid tissue.

Thyroid scan: The scan is a small amount of radioactive iodine can be taken by mouth to create pictures of thyroid cells. The radioactive iodine that is present in the thyroid gland.

 Thyroid biopsy: A small amount in thyroid tissues is removed typically to look for the presence of thyroid cancer. Thyroid biopsy is usually performed using needle.

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH): Secreted by the brain TSH regulates the release of thyroid hormones. A blood test that detects high TSH shows the thyroid hormone levels are low (hypothyroidism) and a lower TSH is a sign of hyperthyroidism.

The T3 hormone and the T4 (thyroxine): The most common thyroid hormone forms that can be tested by the use of a blood test.

Thyroglobulins: A substance produced by the thyroid gland that can be used as a indicator for thyroid cancer. It is typically monitored during follow-up for those suffering from thyroid cancer. The presence of high levels indicates a recurrence cancer.

Another imaging exam: If thyroid cancer has expanded (metastasized) tests like CT scans MRI scans or PET scans can aid in determining the extent of the cancer’s spread.

Thyroid surgical procedure (thyroidectomy): A surgeon takes out all or a part of the thyroid during an operation. Thyroidectomy is performed to treat goitre, thyroid cancer, or hyperthyroidism.

Antithyroid drugs: Drugs can slow down the production of thyroid hormones during hyperthyroidism. Two of the most prescribed antithyroid drugs are propylthiouracil and methimazole.

Radioactive Iodine: Iodine with radioactivity is used in low doses to examine the thyroid gland, or to destroy the overactive thyroid gland. Massive doses of it can be used to kill cancerous tissues.

External radiation: Radiation beams are directed toward the thyroid on several appointment times. High-energy rays aid in killing thyroid cancerous cells.

The thyroid hormone pill: Daily treatment that replenishes that amount of thyroid hormone that you cannot make anymore. Thyroid hormone pills are used to treat hypothyroidism and are also utilized to keep thyroid cancer from returning following treatment.

Recombinant human thyroid hormone: Injecting this agent to stimulate thyroid can cause thyroid cancer to appear more prominently in imaging tests.

The disease of diabetes is A lifelong illness that affects how your body manages glucose, which is a type of sugar, that is found in your blood. Most people suffering from the disease have type 2.

The pancreas produces an insulin-like hormone. It’s what allows your cells convert the glucose you get from foods you eat into energy. People suffering from type 2 diabetes produce insulin however their cells don’t utilize it as effectively as they could. The doctors refer to this as insulin resistance.

In the beginning, the pancreas produces more insulin to bring glucose into cells. But, over time, it’s no longer able to keep up and sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream instead.

A variety of events can lead to type 2 diabetes. These include:

Genetics. Scientists have found several DNA fragments that influence the way your body produces insulin.

Weight gain. Obesity or overweight may result in insulin resistance, particularly in the case of carrying your excess weight around your middle. Type 2 diabetes is now affecting adolescents and children as well as adults mostly due to childhood obesity.

Metabolic Syndrome. People with insulin resistance typically suffer from a range of ailments, including hyperglycemia, excess weight around their waists and hips, high blood pressure as well as high cholesterol as well as triglycerides.

A lot of glucose is a result of the liver. When your blood sugar levels are low, your liver releases glucose. After eating the food, your blood sugar will go up and, in general your liver slows down and store glucose to use later. However, there are some who’s livers don’t. They continue to release sugar.

Poor cell communication. Sometimes cells send incorrect signals or fail to detect messages correctly. If these issues affect the way your cells, make and utilize glucose or insulin and a chain reaction could result in diabetes.

broken beta cells. If the cells that produce insulin release out the wrong amount insulin at the right moment your blood sugar is dispersed. The high blood sugar can cause damage to these cells as well.

Type 1 diabetes is a condition that occurs by destroying the immune system pancreas cells known as beta cells. They’re the ones that produce insulin.

There are people who suffer from secondary diabetes, which is a condition that’s known as. It’s like type 1 diabetes, however, the immune system does not remove the beta cells in your body. They’re destroyed by something else, for instance, an injury or disease to the pancreas.

Insulin, a hormonal substance which helps to move sugar, also known as glucose in the tissues of your body. Cells make use of it for fuel.

The destruction of beta cells due to type 1 diabetes can throw the whole process off. The glucose can’t enter your cells since insulin isn’t in the cells to facilitate this process. Instead, it accumulates in your blood, making cells are starved. This can cause an increase in blood sugar levels that can result in:

The dehydration. When there’s extra sugar in your bloodstream, you’ll pee more. This is your body’s method to eliminate the sugar. A lot of water is released through urine, which causes your body to become dry.

Loss of weight. The glucose that disappears when you urinate also releases calories. This is the reason why people with diabetes lose weight. The dehydration also contributes to this.

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). If your body doesn’t have enough glucose to fuel itself, then it is breaking down the fat cells. These create ketones, which are chemicals. The liver can release the glucose stored to aid in the process. However, your body can’t utilize it without insulin, which is why it accumulates in your bloodstream, as well as ketones that are acidic. The combination of glucose, dehydration and acid build-up is referred to by the name of “ketoacidosis” and could be life-threatening if it is not treated promptly.

The body is damaged. Over time, elevated levels of glucose in your blood may harm the nerves and blood vessels that line your kidneys, eyes, and your heart. They may also increase the risk to experience hardening of the arteries, known as atherosclerosis which could lead to strokes and heart attacks.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is an issue in which women’s hormones are not in balance. It can affect your menstrual cycle and make it difficult for you to become pregnant. PCOS also can cause unwelcome changes to the way you look. If not managed, it can cause serious health issues, like heart disease and diabetes.

Many women sufferings from PCOS develop small cysts around their Ovaries. This is the reason why it is known as polycystic ovarian syndrome. The cysts aren’t harmful however they can cause hormonal imbalances.

A prompt diagnosis, and timely treatment may aid in reducing symptoms and help prevent the development of long-term issues.

Most women suffering from PCOS have tiny cysts on their Ovaries. That’s why it’s often referred to as polycystic or Ovarian Syndrome. The cysts aren’t harmful but can trigger hormone imbalances.

The early diagnosis as well as treatment may aid in reducing symptoms and avoid long-term complications.

Being overweight means that you have too much body fat, and your health could be at risk. Being overweight can cause the heart condition, type two diabetes arthritis, high blood pressure sleep apnea and stroke

Due to these risks due to these risks, it’s important to shed some weight even if you’re not feeling like you’re feeling. It can be challenging to alter you’re eating habits and workout routines. However, it is possible when you have plans. How can you tell whether you’re overweight?

You can utilize a measurement known as the body mass index, or BMI, in conjunction with the size of your waist to determine if your weight poses danger for your health. BMI is the measurement of your health. BMI is a blend of height as well as weight. If you have an BMI of 30 or higher, or have unhealthy eating habits, and much physical activity Your extra weight puts your health at risk.

Metabolic syndrome is the term used for a set of risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease and other health issues including stroke and diabetes.

“The term “metabolic” describes the biochemical reactions that play a role in the normal functioning of the body. Risk factors are the traits that are conditions, habits, or traits that can increase the risk of developing a condition.

The five conditions listed below are metabolic risk factors. It is possible to have any among these risks alone, but they are more likely to coexist. You must have at minimum 3 metabolic risk variables for you to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome.

  • A wide stomach. This also is often referred to as abdominal obesity, or “having an apple-shaped shape.” The stomach is a more significant risk for developing heart disease than excessive fat in other areas of the body, for instance in the hips.
  • A high level of triglycerides (or you’re taking medication to lower high triglyceride levels). Triglycerides are the type of fat you find in blood.
  • An extremely low HDL cholesterol levels (or you’re on medication for treating an issue with low HDL cholesterol). HDL is sometimes referred to as “good” cholesterol. It does this because it removes cholesterol from your blood vessels. If you have a low HDL cholesterol level increases your risk of heart disease.
  • The blood pressure in your body is too high (or you’re taking medication for high blood pressure). Blood pressure is the force that pressure exerted by blood against your walls while your heart circulates blood. If pressure rises and continues to rise over time, it may cause damage to your heart and contribute to plaque accumulation.
  • Blood sugar levels that are high during the day (or you’re on medication to control excessive blood sugar). Mildly high blood sugar can be an early indication of diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. It permits your cells to utilize glucose (sugar) to generate energy. The people who suffer from insulin resistance have cells that can’t use insulin efficiently. The cells can’t absorb glucose, which results in the accumulation of sugar in blood. If your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but aren’t enough to warrant being classified as type 2 diabetes, then you are suffering from prediabetes.

It’s not clear the reason why some people have insulin resistance while others do not. Being obese or overweight are the major risk factors. An unhealthy lifestyle could also result in prediabetes (also known as Type 2 Diabetes) particularly in the case of also overweight.

The presence of insulin resistance isn’t usually accompanied by any obvious symptoms, particularly in the beginning stages. It is possible to be insulin-resistant for years and not even know it particularly when your blood glucose levels haven’t been monitored.

Insulin resistance can also affect blood vessels, without even realizing it. This could increase the chances of suffering from heart stroke and heart.

If you’re insulin resistant is a significant chance of developing into diabetes.

Women typically have menstrual cycles which last between four and seven days. The period of a woman usually happens every 28 days. However, normal menstrual cycles may vary from 21 to 35 days.

Menstrual problems can include:

  • Periods that are less than 21 or longer than 35 days between
  • Three or more missed periods in three consecutive weeks
  • Menstrual flow that is heavier or lighter than normal
  • Periods that last more than seven days
  • Periods that are marked by cramps, pain, nausea or vomiting.
  • The bleeding or spotting can occur during menstrual cycles, following menopausal or after sexual activity.

Menstrual abnormalities are a few examples. the following:

  • Amenorrhea is an illness in which women’s periods are not occurring completely. A woman’s period is not present longer than 90 days is abnormal, unless a woman is breastfeeding, pregnant or is going through menopausal changes (which typically occurs in women aged between 45 to 55). Young women who haven’t begun menstruating before age 15 or 16, or within three years of when their breasts start to grow are also thought to be suffering from amenorrhea.
  • Oligomenorrhea is a term used to describe the periodic periods that happen infrequently.
  • Dysmenorrhea is the term used to describe painful periods and intense menstrual cramps. A little discomfort during menstrual cycles is normal for women of all ages.
  • The abnormal uterine bleeding can be attributed to a range of menstrual irregularities. This includes the presence of a greater flow of menstrual blood and a period lasting more than 7 days: or spotting or bleeding between menstrual cycles, after sexual activity, or after menopausal.

There are many reasons for abnormal menstrual periods, between stress and more severe medical ailments:

  • Pelvic inflammation. Pelvic inflammation (PID) is an infection of the bacterium that affects reproductive system of the female. Bacteria can enter the vagina through sexual contact and move to the uterus as well as the upper the genital tract. Bacteria could also be introduced into the reproductive tract through the gynaecologic procedure or during childbirth or miscarriage. It can also cause abortion. The symptoms that are indicative of PID include a vaginal discharge, which can be unpleasant in smell, irregular menstrual cycles discomfort in the lower and pelvic abdominal regions and nausea, fever diarrhea, or vomiting.
  • Endometriosis. The tissue of the endometrial line that lines the uterus is broken down each month and gets discharged during menstrual flow. Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when the endometrial tissue begins to expand beyond the uterus. The endometrial tissue usually is attached to the fallopian tubes. Sometimes, it is found on the intestines, or other organs of the digestive tract below as well as in the region between the uterus and rectum. Endometriosis can cause irregular bleeding as well as cramps and pain prior to and during periods, as well as painful intimate.
  • Uterine fibroids or polyps. Uterine polyps are tiny harmless (noncancerous) growths found in the inner lining in the uterus. Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that are attached onto the inside in the uterus. It could be one or multiple fibroids, ranging from the smallest apple seed up to the size of the grapefruit. They are generally benign, but they could cause pain and bleeding during menstrual periods. If the tumors are extremely large they could cause pressure upon the bladder, or the rectum which can cause discomfort.
  • Birth pills for controlling birth. Most birth control pills comprise an amalgamation of hormones testosterone and progestin (some have progestin as a separate ingredient). The pills can prevent pregnancy by stopping the egg-producing ovaries from producing eggs. Switching off or on birth control pills may affect menstrual cycle. Women may experience intermittent or absent periods for as long as six months following the discontinuation of birth pills for control. This is a crucial factor to consider when planning getting pregnant and planning to have children. Women who use contraceptives that have progestin may experience bleeding between menstrual cycles.
  • Stress and lifestyle issues. The loss or gain of an enormous amount of weight, diets or changing routines for exercise and travel, illness or other disturbances to the daily routine of a woman could affect the menstrual cycle.
  • Polycystic ovary disorder. In polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) the ovaries release large amounts of androgens, also known as male hormones. Small sacs of fluid (cysts) could form within the ovaries. They can be observed by ultrasound. The hormonal changes could prevent eggs from maturing and consequently, ovulation won’t occur consistently. In some cases, women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome will experience irregular menstrual cycles or cease menstruating completely. Additionally, the condition is linked to weight gain, infertility, as well as the disorder hirsutism (excessive hair growth and acne). The cause of this condition is likely to be due to a hormonal imbalance, but the acne and growth may be caused by a hormonal imbalance). This disorder could be the result of a hormonal imbalance, but the exact reason isn’t known. Treatment for PCOS is contingent on whether women are planning to become pregnant. If pregnancy is not the desired goal and weight loss is not an option, oral contraceptive pills, as well as medications like Metformin(r) (an incretin-like substance that is used to treat the treatment of diabetes) can help regulate women’s cycles. If pregnancy is desired, ovulation-stimulating medications can be tried.
  • Premature the insufficiency of the ovary. This is a condition that affects women who are younger than 40 years old who’s ovaries are not functioning normally. Menstrual cycle ceases in the same way as menopausal. This may occur for those being treated for cancer using radiation or chemotherapy or if you have the family background of premature ovarian insufficiency, or certain chromosomal disorders. If you experience this problem and you are concerned, consult your doctor.

Other reasons for menstrual irregularities are:

  • Cancer of the cervical or uterine lining
  • medicines, including anticoagulant drugs, or steroids (blood thinners)
  • medical conditions, like blood disorders, overactive and overactive thyroid gland or pituitary problems that alter the balance of hormones
  • issues that can arise from pregnancy, like miscarriage, or an Ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg is placed outside the uterus, for instance, in the fallopian tube)

The excessive or unusual hair loss is called Alopecia and is a condition that can be found in various types. What do all hair reduction is common to all regardless of whether it’s for females or males, is that it’s the result of something going wrong with your body. The hair remains at the top of your head, where it belongs, unless hormonal imbalance, illness or a different issue occurs. This condition could be just as easy as having an inherited genetic mutation that makes you vulnerable to female or male-pattern hair loss, and/or one of the types of alopecia areata or as complicated as a range of conditions.

The loss of hair can be a sign of a temporary event like anxiety, pregnancy, illness or medications and can change hair’s development and shed phase. In these instances, hair will grow back after the event is over. After the root of the loss is identified the hairs return to their usual pattern of growing and shed and your issue is resolved.

The two main kinds of hair loss among women are caused by dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a derivative of the male hormone testosterone.

Androgenetic Alopecia

A majority of women with androgenetic also known as androgenic alopecia suffer from diffuse thinning across all areas of their scalp. (Men tend to not suffer from thin patches but rather exhibit distinct types of hair loss.) Certain women are a mixture of two kinds.

Androgenic alopecia among women is caused by the actions of androgens, male hormones, which are normally present in very small quantities. Androgenic alopecia could result from a range of causes linked to the effects of hormones which include Ovarian cysts or using high androgen index birth control pill as well as pregnancy and menopausal.

As in males as in men, the hormone called DHT seems to be at a minimum responsible for the diminution of hair follicles of women with female pattern hair loss. It is believed that heredity plays a significant role in the development of the disease.

Telogen Effluvium

If your body experiences traumatizing experiences like childbirth or malnutrition, an extreme surgical procedure, infection, or intense stress, it could affect your hair. A large portion of the 90 percent around of your hairs that are in the growth (anagen) and transitional (catagen) phase can transform in one go in that resting (telogen) phase.

In the six to 3 months following the event that caused stress the process of hair loss known as telogen effluvium can start. There is a possibility to shed a few strands of hair in a short period of time, even when you are in full-blown telogen effluvium.

For the majority of people who suffer from this condition, complete recovery is possible when highly stressful events are avoided. Some women, however Telogen effluvium can be a mysterious chronic illness that may last for months or even years, without a real understanding of the trigger causes or triggers.

Anagen Effluvium

Anagen effluvium is a result of any trauma or injury to the hair follicle which impairs the cellular level of metabolic or mitotic activity. The hair loss is usually related to the treatment. Because chemotherapy targets rapidly-dividing cancer cells the body’s other growing cells, for instance, hair follicles during the growing (anagen) phase are also severely affected. When chemotherapy is initiated about 95% or even more hairs in the anagen stage may fall out.

Alopecia Areata

A faulty inflammatory reaction can be the cause of alopecia areata. The body’s own immune system fights against the root of hair follicles. It is characterized by a patchy shed of hair that can occur very suddenly. Around 70% of patients will recover the hair after two years regardless of whether or not they undergo treatment.

Traction Alopecia

This is due to small-scale traumas to hair follicles due to hairstyles that are tight and pull at hair in the course of time. If the problem is identified in time, then the hair will grow back. Cornrows, braids tight ponytails and extensions are among the most frequent hairstyles that cause hair loss due to traction.

Acne is a complication that arises due to the actions of hormones and other chemicals on the oil glands in the skin (sebaceous glands) and hair follicles. The cause of acne is not known; however experts believe it’s caused by various elements. A major factor is the rise in the hormones known as androgens (male sexual hormones). The levels of these hormones increase in both girls and boys during puberty and cause sebaceous glands to expand and produce more sebum. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy or taking or stopping birth control pills may also result in acne.

Another cause is the influence of heredity, or genetics. The researchers believe the propensity to get acne may be passed down from parents. For instance, research has found that many school-aged boys who suffer from acne have an ancestral connection to the condition. Certain medications, like lithium and androgens have been proven to cause acne. The use of cosmetics with a lot of grease can alter the cells of hair follicles and cause them to connect, creating plugs.

Factors that may trigger an acne flare are:

  • changes in hormone levels
  • oil from products for the skin (moisturizers as well as cosmetics) or greases that are encountered in the workplace (for instance in a kitchen equipped with fry vats)
  • the pressure of sports helmets, backpacks, equipment tight collars, tight sports uniforms
  • Environmental irritants, like pollutants and humidity
  • Squeezing or picking at the spots or blemishes
  • vigorous scrubbing of the skin
  • stress

For certain women, acne may be due to an over-production in androgen (male) hormones. Evidence that this might be the case are the hirsutism (excessive development in hair around the face or the body) and premenstrual acne flare-ups and irregular menstrual cycles and increased blood levels of some androgens. The doctor can prescribe one of the following treatments for women suffering from this type of acne.

  • Birth hormone control pills. to reduce the number of androgens that are created by the Ovaries
  • Corticosteroid medications with low doses like prednisone or dexamethasone. To suppress the androgen released by adrenal glands
  • Antiandrogen medications like spironolactone. To reduce excessive oil production.

Hirsutism (HUR-soot-iz-um) is a type of male-pattern hair growth in females. The condition causes a lot of thick and swollen hair on body parts that men usually tend to grow hair -such as the face chest, back and face.

The quantity of body hair that you’re blessed with is dependent on your genetic makeup. Hirsutism can be caused by excessive male hormones known as androgens, which is mainly testosterone. The cause of the condition could also be caused by a genetic trait in the family.

Self-care in combination with medical therapies can be effective for many women sufferings from hirsutism.

The treatment for hirsutism can require several months before you can notice an increase on hair growth. Some of the medications include:

  • Oral contraceptives birth control pills and other hormonal contraceptives, that contain estrogen and progestin. They are used to combat hirsutism by reducing androgen production in your Ovaries. Contraceptives for oral use are a popular treatment for women who do not want to get pregnant. Some possible side effects include nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach upset.
  • Anti-androgens These kinds of medications stop androgens from binding to receptors within the body. The most popular anti-androgen to treat hirsutism is called spironolactone (Aldactone). Since these medications can create birth defects it’s crucial to use contraception with a strict adherence while using these medications.
  • Topical cream Eflornithine (Vaniqa) is a prescription cream designed specifically to treat excessive facial hair for women. It is applied directly to the area affected by hair loss on your face and can help slow the growth of new hair development, however it doesn’t eliminate existing hair.

The condition of male hypogonadism is a condition where the body does not produce enough testosterone, which hormone plays a crucial function in male growth and development in puberty or has a diminished ability to produce sperm, or both.

For males who are adults, hypogonadism can affect certain male physical characteristics, and may impair the normal function of reproduction. Some signs and symptoms include:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • A decrease in body and beard hair growth
  • Muscle mass decreases
  • Breast tissue development (gynecomastia)
  • Bone mass loss (osteoporosis)

Hypogonadism could also cause emotional and mental changes in the mind and emotions. When testosterone decreases, certain men may suffer from symptoms that are like those experienced by menopausal symptoms in women. This could include:

  • Fatigue
  • Sex drive is reduced
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Hot flashes

The treatment for hypogonadism in males depends on the root cause and the degree of concern you have regarding fertility.

  • Hormone replacement In the case of hypogonadism resulting from testicular dysfunction, doctors utilize the male hormone therapy (testosterone substitute therapy also known as TRT). TRT can help restore muscle strength and help prevent loss of bone. Furthermore, people who take TRT could notice increased energy levels, sexual drive, erectile function, and a feeling of well-being.

If a pituitary issue is the reason the pituitary hormones can boost sperm production and improve fertility. Testosterone replacement therapy is utilized if fertility isn’t an issue. A pituitary tumor could require surgery as well as radiation therapy, medication, or replacement of hormones.

  • assisted reproduction Although there’s usually no cure for restoring the fertility of a man suffering from primary hypogonadism. Assisted reproductive technology can be useful. It covers a range of methods designed to assist couples who are unsuccessful in getting pregnant.

The pituitary gland in your body is a pea-sized organ located situated at the base of the brain. The pituitary is known as the “master controller gland” that produces hormones that influence the development of other glands in your body.

When you suffer from pituitary diseases, you usually have too much or too little in your hormones. The result of injuries can be pituitary issues however the most frequent reason is a pituitary tumor.

Pituitary gland problems can affect a variety of organs in the body. The conditions like Acromegaly, Cushing’s syndrome, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hypergonadism (low testosterone levels) all could be the result of pituitary gland disorders.

The adrenal glands comprise tiny glands that are located on the the top of each kidney. They make hormones are essential to your life such as sex hormones, as well as cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that helps you deal with stress and performs a variety of other essential functions.

If you have adrenal gland issues glands produce too much or insufficient hormones. When you have Cushing’s disease the body produces too much cortisol. However, in Addison’s disorder it’s less. Certain people are born in a position to produce enough cortisol.

The causes of disorders of the adrenal gland are:

  • Genetic mutations
  • Tumors that include Pheochromocytomas
  • Infections
  • An issue in another gland, for example, the pituitary gland that helps to regulate the adrenal gland.
  • Certain medicines

The treatment you receive depends on the type of issue you are facing. Treatment with surgery or medication can address numerous adrenal gland disorders.

Osteoporosis, a bone disorder, is that is caused as the body loses too much bone, creates less bone or both. The result is that bones weaken and can be broken due to a fall or, in more serious cases, from sneezing, or small bumps.

Osteoporosis refers to “porous bones.” When examined under microscope healthy bone appears like honeycomb. If osteoporosis is present, there are holes and gaps in the honeycomb are bigger than those in healthy bone. The bones of osteoporotic patients have lost their density or mass and are characterized by abnormal tissue structures. As bones get less dense, they become weaker and more likely to fracture. If you’re older than 50 and have suffered a fracture to bones, talk to your physician or health professional for an assessment of bone density.

It is possible to determine if you suffer from osteoporosis, or if you need to be worried about your bones, by taking an assessment of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) check.

While there is no cure for osteoporosis there are actions you can take to stop, slow or even stop its progression. In certain cases, it is possible that you are in a position to increase osteoporosis and reverse disease in a small degree. Intake of sufficient Vitamin D as well as calcium are vital to the health of your bones. Additionally, there are also medicines that are available to lower the possibility of fractured bones. These drugs can (1) reduce or prevent bone loss (2) build bone.

Hyperparathyroidism refers to the excess of parathyroid hormones in bloodstream because of an overactive one or four of your body’s parathyroid glands. The glands are approximately the size of one grain of rice they are situated in the neck.

The parathyroid glands make parathyroid hormone that helps to maintain a balanced level of calcium levels in the bloodstream, as well as in tissues that depend on calcium to ensure optimal functioning.