Osteoporosis Doctor in Ahmedabad
Bone is a living tissue that constantly degrades and is replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when there is not enough bone being made to replace the bone that is being lost. Bones weakened and brittle due to osteoporosis are so easily broken by even slight stresses like coughing or bending over. Hip, wrist, and spine fractures brought on by osteoporosis are the most frequent.
Symptoms of Osteoporosis
Early in the process of bone loss, there are often no symptoms. The following indications and symptoms, however, may appear once osteoporosis has damaged your bones:
- Back discomfort brought on by a broken or collapsing vertebra
- Height loss over time
- A hunched-over stance
- A bone that fractures a lot more quickly than is normal
Causes of Osteoporosis
New bone is created, and old bone is broken down as your bones are constantly renewed. Your bone mass increases when you’re young because your body produces new bone more quickly than it destroys old bone. The majority of people reach their peak bone mass by age 30; after this process slows down in their early 20s. Bone mass decreases more quickly with age than it is gained.
Your bone mass from your youth affects how likely you are to acquire osteoporosis. The more bone you have “in the bank,” and the higher your peak bone mass, the less probable you will get osteoporosis as you age. Peak bone mass varies by ethnic group and is partially hereditary.
Osteoporosis Treatment in Ahmedabad
The likelihood that you will break a bone during the next ten years is estimated using data from tests like the bone density test. If your risk is low, treatment may not involve medication and instead concentrate on reducing fall and bone loss risk factors.
The most popular osteoporosis drugs are bisphosphonates, provided to men and women with a higher risk of fracture.
Nausea, stomach pain, and symptoms like heartburn are side effects. These are less likely to happen if the medication is used as directed. While intravenous bisphosphonate formulations don’t affect the stomach, they can result in fever, headaches, and muscle aches. A break or crack in the center of the thighbone is a relatively uncommon side effect of bisphosphonates. Delayed jawbone healing is a second rare issue (osteonecrosis of the jaw). It might happen following an invasive dental operation, like a tooth extraction.
Denosumab decreases the risk of fractures and achieves bone density outcomes comparable to or better than those of bisphosphonates. Every six months, denosumab is administered as an injection under the skin.
Like bisphosphonates, denosumab is a rare side effect that can result in jaw osteonecrosis and breaks or cracks in the center of the thigh bone. According to recent studies, there may be a significant risk of spinal column fractures following drug discontinuation. You may need to take denosumab indefinitely.
If you experienced early menopause, took corticosteroids for an extended period, or if one or both of your parents experienced hip fractures, you should discuss osteoporosis with your Osteoporosis Doctor in Ahmedabad. Osteoporosis patients comprise a more significant portion of Endocrinologist Specialist Dr. Moxit Shah’s patient population. He has more experience successfully treating the illness and can enrich his academic and clinical training with a practical understanding of the disease because he sees many patients with osteoporosis.