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Rickets & Metabolic Bone Disorders


Rickets & Metabolic Bone Disorders

Rickets & Metabolic Bone Disorders

Rickets & Metabolic Bone Disorders are very common in today’s world. Children with rickets have to soften and weakening of their bones, typically caused by a severe and sustained vitamin D deficit. Uncommon hereditary issues can also bring on rickets. Your child’s body needs vitamin D to properly absorb calcium and phosphorus from your diet. Lack of vitamin D makes it challenging to maintain healthy amounts of calcium and phosphorus in bones, which can lead to rickets.
A weakening of the bones, known as a metabolic bone disease, is brought on by abnormally high amounts of the “building blocks” of the bones, such as calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D.
Deficits in any of these can be caused by illnesses or disorders, which can result in significant impairment, bone loss, fragile bones, fractures, and deformed bones.


According to every Metabolic Bone Disease Specialist in Ahmedabad, rickets symptoms and signs can include the following:

  • Slow growth
  • Delays in motor function
  • Legs, pelvic, and back pain
  • Muscle sluggishness

Growth plates at the ends of a child’s bones are softened by rickets, which can result in skeletal abnormalities like:

  • Bowing or crooked knees
  • Thickened ankles and wrists
  • Breastbone protrusion

Metabolic Bone Disease Symptoms

Metabolic bone disease patients may experience the following:

  • Aches in the legs, hips, and back of the body
  • Slow growth (in children)
  • Spinal curvature
  • Dental issues
  • Height loss owing to vertebral compression (bones of the spine)
  • Knees that “knock” or bow outward or “bow” inward
  • Frequent fractures, particularly:
    • Those adults over 55
    • Those brought on by falls from a height of standing or less can signify exceptionally brittle bones.

Fragility fractures, which occur after menopause or in older males, should not be considered a natural aspect of age. These fractures occur when a bone breaks upon falling from less than standing height. When this happens, a doctor should perform bone density testing and check the patient for metabolic bone problems.


Most rickets patients can be cured with calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Follow the dosage recommendations given by your child’s doctor. Vitamin D overdose can be dangerous. Your child’s doctor will use X-rays and blood tests to track your child’s development. Doctors may recommend supplements and medication if your child suffers from a rare inherited condition that results in low phosphorus levels. Your doctor could advise using specialized bracing to arrange your child’s body correctly as the bones mature in some bowleg or spinal deformity cases. Slighter to mild skeletal abnormalities may not need surgery.

Metabolic Bone Disease Treatment

To effectively manage metabolic bone, calcium, and parathyroid diseases, the patient and endocrinologist must collaborate to identify the underlying reason and put a suitable treatment plan. The doctor may recommend one of the following to treat the issue, depending on the underlying cause of the bone loss:

    The hormone parathyroid

  • Estrogen
  • Medicines that contain bisphosphonates
  • Calcitonin
  • Injections of denosumab
  • Calcium and vitamin D supplements

Book Appointment

If you or your child exhibits symptoms of rickets, Book an appointment with Dr. Moxit Shah at Trisha Multispecialty Hospital in Ahmedabad, he practices endocrinology and is the Best Endocrinologist and Metabolic Bone Disease Specialist in Ahmedabad.