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PCOS problem


PCOS Treatment Specialist in Ahmedabad

Women in their reproductive years are susceptible to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition. You might have an overabundance of the hormone androgen. You might not have regular periods if you have PCOS. Or perhaps your menstrual cycles are particularly long.

Along the ovary’s outer edge, several tiny sacs of fluid form in people with PCOS, known as cysts. In the small cysts filled with fluid are developing eggs known as follicles. The follicles stop releasing eggs regularly. There is no recognized cause for PCOS. According to every PCOS specialist in Ahmedabad, losing weight and receiving early diagnosis and treatment may help to reduce the risk of developing long-term consequences like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

PCOS Symptoms

In most cases, PCOS symptoms appear during the first menstrual cycle. Sometimes symptoms develop later after having periods for a while. Different PCOS symptoms exist. PCOS treatment in Ahmedabad is applicable when you exhibit at least two of them.

  • Period irregularity: Menstrual irregular or uncommon cycles are a common feature of PCOS. It’s also acceptable to have periods that last several days or longer than is typical for a period. For example, you might have fewer than nine periods each year. These periods may extend beyond 35 days as well. You can experience difficulties conceiving.
  • Too much androgen: Excessive face and body hair may develop when the hormone androgen is present in high amounts. Hirsutism is the term for this. Severe acne, as well as male pattern baldness, can occasionally happen.
  • Polycystic ovaries: You may have larger ovaries if you have polycystic ovaries. Numerous follicles containing immature eggs may form on the ovary’s edge. The ovaries may not be functioning adequately.
  • People who are obese have more severe PCOS signs and symptoms

PCOS Diagnosis

There is no reliable test to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Your doctor will likely first talk to you about your symptoms, medications, and other medical concerns. During a physical exam, it is important to look for acne, insulin resistance, and excessive hair growth indicators. The doctor may also ask about your menstrual cycle and any weight changes. Then, the best PCOS doctor in Ahmedabad might suggest:

  • Pelvic exam: During a pelvic exam, your doctor might look for lumps, growths, or other changes in your reproductive organs
  • Blood tests: Blood tests can determine the levels of hormones. This testing allows PCOS-like causes for irregular periods or androgen excess to be ruled out. Other blood tests, such as those to evaluate your cholesterol and triglyceride levels after a fast, might also be done. A glucose tolerance test can be used to measure how your body responds to sugar or glucose.
  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound can measure the thickness of the uterine lining and the state of your ovaries. A transducer, which resembles a wand, is placed in your vagina. Sound waves released by the transducer are converted into visuals on a computer screen.

If PCOS is the cause of your condition, your doctor can suggest additional tests. These tests might be:

  • Frequently checking cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as blood pressure and glucose tolerance
  • Depression and anxiety testing
  • Examining for sleep apnea that is obstructed.

When to see a doctor

If you’re worried about your periods, having difficulties becoming pregnant, or showing signs of excess androgen, consult the best PCOS doctor in Ahmedabad: Dr. Moxit Shah. Some examples are acne, male-pattern baldness, and fresh hair growth on your face and body.

Dr. Moxit Shah is one of the top endocrinologists in Ahmedabad. His PCOS treatment focuses mainly on managing patients’ unique issues, such as infertility, weight management, etc. You will get the best care by making an appointment with him at Trisha Multispecialty Hospital Ahmedabad.